Monday, December 31, 2007


11% raise and instructions to work on my interpersonal relationships. I've also been told (yet again) to use my indoor voice. Sometime in the next 6 months, I'm supposed to take a business communications class or seminar. The company will pay for both my time and my attendance. If I find a really good one, my department head wants to take it too. Must do some research... I'd like to get a weekend at a business retreat out of this deal!

Happy New Year

Annual Performance Review in 1 hour, 24 minutes. I've been told to bring a "crying towel."

...I'll let you know how that goes.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Christmas Tree

My Christmas tree, with presents.

The presents are color coded. Snowmen go to D&B, Trees to my MILs, Snowflakes to my mother's, and the silver one is for Justin. Yes, I realize I'm a bit of a nerd...

Friday, December 21, 2007

Raises and Promotions

My company has just shifted from a single review by date to a yearly review by department. That means everyone in the department gets a review in the last 2 weeks of December. Any raises or promotions will take effect on February 1 with everyone moving up at the same time. Also, HR now takes a direct hand in the reviews, typing them up for the department managers and revising them before they are sent to the company head. Everyone is reviewed by their department's senior management, rather than the person they report to.

Based on all this information, you are correct in surmising that my review should have been this week, but due to vacations and signature delays and the holidays, it has been postponed again until next week.

One of my direct reports, whose review has been delayed since August, finally got her review yesterday while I was gone to Girl Scouts. She tells me she will receive a raise and a promotion. Her promotion will be to "Senior Designer," which is one position below the my current position. Her raise is quite significant; she's jumping by 10%. That means she will make more than I do!

Here's hoping I will get a raise, and knowing I won't find out until after the holidays.

Monday, December 17, 2007

I'm a Funhouse?

You Are a Funhouse
You are an open, flexible person who is able to see the world through many perspectives.
Self reflective and honest, you're able to take a hard, objective look at yourself (even if you don't like what you see!).
In relationships, you are a bit of a narcissist. But you can't really help it...
You're by far the most interesting person you know!

Your life is a bit perplexing. Things aren't always what they seem - even to you.
You've successfully cultivated an enigmatic reputation. But you're still a mystery to yourself.
Deep down, you often feel a little lost in the world. And you're okay with that.
Trapdoors and dead ends are something you expect. You just enjoy figuring out what it all means.

At your best, you are self aware and savvy.
You know yourself well... including where you've been and where you're going.
At your worst, you are vain, self centered, and egotistical.
You sometimes look so far inward... it's the only thing you see."

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Webster's says:

Tease (v): To irritate with with taunts, mockery, pretended offers, etc., often in sport

Oxford says:

Tease (v): to annoy persistently, pester, tantalize says: irritate or provoke with persistent petty distractions, trifling raillery, or other annoyance, often in sport. provoke or disturb a person or animal by importunity or persistent petty annoyances.

I say:

Think about that before you say you are just teasing!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Things I learned from my boss

Over the past week, I caught myself thinking that this job was a waste of time, on the grounds that I was learning nothing from my boss. Then I realized my fallacy. Learning is in the mind of the student, not the quality of the teacher. Also, as the sign on my cubicle wall says, "If you can't be a good example, you'll just have to be a horrible warning." And, as always, ::insert trite saying here::. My point is, I MUST be learning, even learning good, important things, even with a senile boss. So here's my list of what I have learned so far, since he became my boss in August. Mostly, it's how to manage a department and conduct yourself in a business situation. Actually, it's mostly disguised complaining. At least I took the trouble to disguise it this time, though! In no particular order, I have learned:

1. If you want your employees to respect you, speak clearly. Do not mumble. Do not make your direct reports stand around while you mumble into your (unorganized) paperwork. See also numbers 3 and 6.

2. Moderate the amount of information you provide based on the skill level of the employee. Know your direct reports well enough to understand their strengths and weaknesses. Challenge them, yes, but do not overwhelm a lower level employee with more background information than they can handle. See also numbers 5 and 6.

3. Be organized!* Keep your desk and space moderately tidy. Know where your paperwork is. Do not lose items your direct reports have turned in. Do not keep people waiting by your desk while you hunt through your paperwork because you don't know where an item is. Do not ask people to reprint items just because you lost them. See also number 7.

4. Discipline your direct reports when you are calm and level headed. If you are not feeling calm, give yourself a breather before calling them aside. Never accuse someone of causing your anger, even if they did, as it will make you sound abusive. Do not shake your finger in their face, nor threaten to fire them, as this will sour their attitude toward you and make them work inefficiently on purpose. See also numbers 7 and 10.

5. Know the job titles and duties of your direct reports. If you are unsure, never threaten to discipline someone by taking away a future promotion. You may become the office joke. See also number 4 and number 8.

6. Be concise. While giving directions, be clear, but limit yourself to describing the instructions at hand. Only repeat the instructions when it is clear they were not understood. Do not tell stories. Do not provide overwhelming information. Do not interrupt their work except to give directions. See also number 2.

7. Be prepared.* By preparing your work for your direct reports before meeting with them, you will be better able to convey clear directions. You will also make your directional meetings more efficient, therefore saving the firm's money. See also number 9.

8. Make appointments with members of other departments. If you walk in and interrupt their meetings to demand information or to pull one of your direct reports from the meeting, they will be annoyed. They will also make you the butt of their jokes. See also number 1, which may cause further laughter damage.

9. Save paper, money and the environment by reading your emails on the computer.* It is more efficient to read emails on the computer than it is to print then read. Also, you will save a lot of trees and file space by not keeping copies of all emails. See also number 3.

10. Keep your mind organized.* By thinking clearly, you will avoid repeating yourself, mumbling, and ineffient instructions. You will also guard yourself against people thinking you are senile or stupid. It helps if you think before you speak. See also numbers 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 and 8.

*Technically, these are items I am already good at. I am simply stating them here because I did not previously recognize their full value, nor the damage the lack of these skills would have on my professional status.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

The Holidays

Woohoo! I've been tagged with my first meme! I promise not to do this too often. However, I am looking for some ways to be creative with my posts. This blog is becoming too much like a journal for my taste.

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Wrapping Paper if I can, gift bags if the gift is too lumpy.

2. Real or Artificial tree? I'd really prefer real... Justin's allergic. Also? We'd probably not clean up after it properly. Ick, shedding needles everywhere! The cats chew on our (ugly) artificial one, too.

3. When do you put up the tree? Yesterday was the first time we put up a tree in 5 years. The last time we had a tree, the cats peed on the skirt, and all the gifts sitting on it! We didn't put a skirt down this time...

4. When do you take the tree down? I'm not at all sure. Last time we had it up, it stayed up until January 8.

5. Do you like Eggnog? Yes, but I mix it with milk so it isn't as rich.

6. Favorite Gift you received as a child? I think my best present ever was my first nintendo.

7. Do you have a nativity scene? No, and I bet my cats would chew on their heads if I did. I would love to set up an Advent wreath, though. I have fond memories of lighting the candles each Sunday and singing with my family.

8. Hardest person to buy for? My in-laws, especially my father-in-law. What is it with the Earp males and buying anything with "I'm giving you this as a gift" vibes?

9. Easiest person to buy for? My husband. I just keep track of video game releases in November and December.

10. Worst Christmas gift ever received? A moldy orange. It seems Santa was trying to get the jump on things by filling my stocking in late November.

11. Christmas Cards...Snail mail or Email? Not applicable - I don't send christmas cards and I never plan to start.

12. Favorite Christmas Movie? It Happened One Christmas (remake of It's a wonderful Life, but starring Marlo Thomas) I like it better because I like Marlo Thomas and color film.

13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? Sometime in December, when Justin suddenly realizes that I've bought my 4 family gifts and he's still got 12 people to buy for. I don't consider my 4 family gifts "shopping" since there is no browsing involved.

14. Have you ever 'recycled' a Christmas present? I've definitely regifted some things. I've also used them in craft projects for the girl scouts. If something contains potpourri, I throw it straight in the trash. Forget recycling!

15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Pumpkin pie! Also mashed potatoes.

16. Clear lights or colored on the tree? Colored! I miss the old lights from my childhood - the bigger glass bulbs. We have twinkly small ones instead.

17. Favorite Christmas Song? To sing, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer, though I think The First Noel has to be the most fun to play on the violin.

18. Travel at Christmas or Stay Home? Travelling. It used to be a marathon of Christmas travel - Justin would get off work at 4pm on Christmas Eve, then we would hightail it to D&Bs for dinner, rush to my mom's to visit for 5-10 minutes, then rush off again to get to my mil's in time to sleep and watch Justin's little sisters open their stockings. Now that we live closer, there will be less rushing around and more sleeping in our own beds, but we will still be visiting 3 different households. Also, my father is coming to stay with us on Christmas Eve, so I have to make an airport run that day. CURSES! (I'm just playing; I'm quite excited to spend the first Christmas with my dad in 23 years. So excited that I don't even mind an airport run!)

19. Can you name Santa's Reindeer? Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen, Rudolph. (What kind of a question is this for a meme? The answer was already in the email my cousin sent me! I sung the song under my breath just to check she was right, though.)

20. Do you have an Angel or a Star on top of your tree? I believe it's an extremely ugly star that Justin picked. As I said though, we haven't had a tree in 5 years, so I may be mistaken.

21. Open the Presents Christmas Eve or Morning? Historically, my sister and I opened our gifts Christmas morning with our mother, then on Boxing Day with our father and stepmother. Once I got married, things changed: Justin and I did gifts on the winter solstice, then opened our gifts with D&B on Christmas Eve, my mother sometime in there, and my mil & family on Christmas morning. This year will be different again: I'll be with my family on the solstice, D&B and my father on Christmas Eve, Justin and my father on Christmas Morning, and my mil & family on Christmas afternoon.

22. Most annoying thing about this time of the year? Worrying about how we can afford gifts for Justin's entire family. I enjoy just about everything else, even the crowds at the stores.

23. Shopping...Mall or on-line? Gifts to my father's household are purchased online to save me a trip to the post office. Gifts for California relatives usually came from local stores or WalMart, because that was all we had. This year, it seems to be a combination of Target and the mall.

24. Do you decorate outside for Christmas or just inside? Mostly, we haven't decorated anywhere. What was the point, since we wouldn't be home to enjoy it? This year, I'm doing inside, though I really want to put a (real) wreath on the door. He can't be allergic to the smell OUTSIDE!!

25. Favorite Christmas cookie? I love to eat the seven layer bars from my mom's recipe, but my favorites to make are the ones I can decorate! My sister and mother and I used to make cookies all together to hand out to family friends. This year we are restarting the tradition by getting together to bake cookies on the 16th.

26. Do you own Christmassy clothing or jewelry? I have some socks with snowflakes on them. I don't think they count, though; I wear them year round whenever my feet get cold because they are the only wool socks I have.

27. Do you believe in Santa? I think I stopped believing in Santa when I was about 3 or 4. I do believe in the spirit of Christmas, and the magic in observing our traditions. Christmas is a special time, and Santa and stockings are a part of that specialness. We don't have to believe in Santa to understand how magical the season truly is.

Saturday, December 1, 2007


I have no excuses for not posting this time. None.

Thursday, at scouts, we had a investiture/reinvestiture ceremony. The girls picked a poem and read it, SO CUTE! I tried to teach them the announcements song, but I guess it's too hard at that age without prompting. I told them I would never prompt them to stick to it, so I'll have to stick to it. In the meantime, they didn't pick up their cue during the ceremony. Maybe when they have the big girls setting an example it will work out.

I came home afterwards exhausted, with terribly sinus pressure, and fell asleep on the couch. That's really abnormal for me. I might be getting sick, or just dealing with allergies for the first time in years. It's been almost 8 years since I was in the bay area for winter. I don't think the heaters are agreeing with me.

Friday we got bonuses at work... mine was $100 minus taxes. If you don't get a christmas present from us this year, you know why. I hang my hopes on my boss giving me a raise during my performance review, which should be coming up within the next 2 weeks. I'll let you know how that goes >.>;

Today I had a "review class" for the LEED accredidation exam. It was a very LOOOOOONG boring class, but I did learn a few things at least. However, by the end of the class, I had decided not to take the exam at this time. The company paid for the review materials and gave them to me, so I can study them any old time. However, my department head pointed out that my study time would be better spent on the CSE. I agree, and not just because my credit card is too maxed out to pay for the exam.

I really do need to start studying for the oral exam. I'll spend 2-3 hours tomorrow putting together a review schedule. Hopefully I can manage 20 hours studying per week for the next 2 months, ramping up to 30 hours/week in February and 40 in March. My department head said I can probably take a little time off to study for the exam, so I will take advantage of that near crunch time.

WIR: Squire. 'Nuff said.