Thursday, January 10, 2008

New Year's Resolutions

Yeah, it's the 10th already. So what?

Here are my resolutions:

1. I will discuss with my doctor my potential Aspergers Syndrome and visit see a specialist.

Your Aspie score: 140 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 55 of 200
You are very likely an Aspie

2. I will get my architect's license by passing the board exam on the first try. (please?)

3. I will study for my oral board exam at least 4 nights and one day per week.

4. I will get an 10% or greater raise. Check.

5. I will become pregnant.

6. I will see a specialist about my knee.

7. I will have the brake pads repaired on my car before I ruin the rotors. (I really hope it isn't too late)

8. I will go camping at least twice this year, and at least one of those times will include Justin.

9. I will do the dishes more than once a week.

10. I will buy shoes that do not leak.

11. I will build a mini city. Please visit me!

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