Friday, February 1, 2008

Busy like a little bee...

I've been busy studying for a while now. Every night except Wednesday was the plan. But it's been such an awful week that I do believe I will give myself the evening off.

Improv is going wonderfully. I got asked to be in the improv troupe, which isn't as big a deal as I make it out to be; everyone who managed to continue their membership from March or earlier last year was asked to be in the troupe. We're working on characterization. I'm still spotty - some nights I am all over the funny, and some nights I am... well, not. Ask anyone who was in our first week's class about the "F*** Cake." Just don't ask them about me trying to act nervous.

With the Girl Scouts, I'm both pleased and upset over some things that are happening. We had a "Party Meeting" last week, which my coleader didn't quite get - she kept trying to take over. I was late and it rained HARD on the day we were supposed to go for a walk on the trail. I have parents non participado (yeah, I'll substitute spanish for latin any day) who think that I'm going to just magically make the program appear without their help. And I had a parent who just up and left 4 girls unattended on campus...

On the good side, tomorrow is Discoveree, which I am quite looking forward to. I've signed up for some games classes, a singing class, an outdoor class, and a troop activity class. I'm carpooling with the troop's camping dad. I was going to eat lunch with my coleader, because I hate eating alone, but my coleader bailed. Hopefully I can find a friendly face to hang out with for lunch. Otherwise I'm going to lurk around the camp training field and try to pretend I was in the class the whole time so I can eat lunch with the camping dad.
I'm excited!

Gotta run, they are breaking ground on the Fire Station Project I spent 4 months of my life on. I'm excited about this, too!

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