Monday, February 11, 2008

Lousy Night, Beautiful Morning

Last night was lousy. We did 2 more assault after getting one person in the static CS rank. With just 4 of us left, we did Apkallu Breeding, then Stop the Bloodshed from S rank. The first one went well, but the second one sucked.

We lost, and the blame really should have been spread all around; the new guy in our assault didn't really know what to do, one person had bad lag and kept getting lethal aggro, one managed to track aggro into a safe area and get the last 2 living people killed, and then I didn't raise the second rdm because I thought we had cleared, so I was just running for the end. Then I died... reraised at a bad moment, and we lost. Unfortunately, the blame, which really should have spread around evenly landed squarely on me. This caused shouting and fighting and going to bed angry.

Going to bed angry is always a bad idea - I can't sleep well, I wake up STILL angry, and on top of being angry I'm grouchy from lack of sleep! So this morning I woke in an evil mood. Then came the walk to work, in the sunrise. I was so wrapped up in being miserable and angry and grouchy and annoyed that a stupid video game caused fighting that I didn't even notice what a beautiful day it was until I had already walked 4 miles. Then I got grouchy even more because I had missed the sunrise for being too grouchy. Sunrise, to me, is the best part of the day, and today's sunrise must have been nice, because it's a clear, beautiful day out there.

So far walking to change my mood is not producing the overall effect I had hoped for. On the other hand, with the moleskin I bought yesterday, my feet don't hurt nearly as bad as they did on Friday!

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