Friday, October 26, 2007

Friday at last!

Not much happened today. Well, the administrative assistant in my department was fired for lying on her employment application. Turns out she was a convicted felon. I wonder what she did! She only lasted 4 days, but technically, she was fired yesterday. Yesterday was also our third brownie meeting. The girls made smores over a propane stove. Nothing like that smell of propane to roast those marshmellows! I also let them try lighting a match each, after a short lecture on matches and safety. Third graders playing with matches. Woohoo! Again, that was yesterday. Today was boring!

Tomorrow will be nice and boring too, since all I'll be doing is cleaning the house and getting my tires rotated. My sister is coming over on Sunday to shop for and subsequently wrap gifts for our new nephew and our father, and I want her to think I keep a nice clean house. Plus, this way I will already have the house clean when I leave for Portland. I'm quite looking forward to this trip. It's weird, but I actually like long road trips with my husband. I hear plenty of people say "Oh, I could never take that kind of trip, I'd go crazy!" I like it, though. It seems that we do our best chatting when I am half asleep and he's driving. I do have to buff up on the news for the next few days, or we'll end up complaining about the president again. Not that there's anything wrong with complaining about the president, but it will get old if we have to do it for 9 hours. Send me any outrageous news articles you can!

You know, I think I will have to take up skydiving or something! This is quite possibly the most boring post in the history of the blogosphere!

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