Thursday, October 25, 2007

Yes, I’ve finally given in. I started a blog. I’m trying to convince myself that being 6 years behind the trendy people means that I’m truly not mindlessly following a trend. If I just think it hard enough, surely I will start to believe it. I’m not at all sure that I can keep up with a blog in any case. I can’t even make a weekly post to my Brownie’s troop website! Who am I to think I can write a daily blog? My favorite blog hasn’t been updated for 12 days now, so perhaps if I skip a day or two, it won’t matter.

I’ve wanted to make a blog since we moved up to the Bay Area last winter. I started walking to work in March, and I realized I wanted to blog so I could complain about all the drivers who don’t respect traffic laws pertaining to pedestrians. (Hello? On a red light, you AREN’T allowed to honk at a pedestrian who is crossing in the crosswalk, with the walk sign!) Then I decided that complaining about drivers wasn’t a good blog premise. Such a blog would get boring really fast for everyone, including its author.

The only reason this has come up again is because my mother pointed out to me yesterday that I should communicate with my family and friends more. Yes, Mother, I am listening to your advice. Don’t go into shock! Apparently some members of my family are hanging around waiting to hear from me (riiiiight). I wouldn’t want to disappoint them!

Mostly, this blog is going to be about conveying what’s going on around me to my family and friends and the random stranger who pokes their nose in. What I have to say isn’t earth shattering; it’s just my life and things that interest me. I want to write about my efforts to become the first female architect in my firm, the engineers who won’t listen to me, the brownie troop I just started, my online FFXI adventures, my (non-existent) soap making skills and anything else I find to in my free time. Once in a while, I promise to slip in some rude comments about drivers who almost run me over and people who drive SUVs. Maybe I’ll even put them in the same post!

On every post (I hope), I’m going to put in a “what I’m reading right now” comment. If you want to read something I’m reading, or you have already read it, I’d love to discuss it with you. So few people enjoy reading the same books I do that I’m beginning to believe I’m crazy. I’d love to read your comments on the books. The only thing I don’t want to read is: “Those are kids’ books!” I read for pleasure, and to distract me from my life and to relax. I don’t care if I’m reading good characterization, good writing, books for adults, long books or challenging books, as long as it’s interesting and the author can spin a good story. I don’t watch TV, smoke or drink. If my worst vice is that I chose to be entertained by books instead of reading something challenging, I think I’m doing pretty well. If I want to be challenged, I will go study for my oral architect’s exam, which is coming up in March.

What I’m reading now: halfway through The Dark is Rising. I read Over Sea, Under Stone Monday and Tuesday. I’m reading the entire 5-book series because I went to see the movie based on the second book a couple weeks ago. If you haven’t seen the movie, don’t bother! Read the book instead.

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