Monday, April 21, 2008

50 Book Challenge

You've probably noticed the list under 50 Book Challenge on the right getting longer and longer, so I expect it's time to share what the point is! Here's the summary from Librarything:

"The 50 Book Challenge is a way to track and share the books you read throughout the year. Some people also choose to set personal goals to read more books, or more non-fiction, or more new books. The point is that it's up to you what you want to do."

For me, the goal was to read at least 50 books in the first year of my blog. I figured I would have no problem with this, since I spend half my life with my nose in a book, but it's been harder than I expected - I assumed I'd reach 50 books in the first 4 months. This coming Friday is the 6 month anniversary of the beginning of this blog, so seems like a good time to assess how my challenge is going.

I also decided that I needed to identify which books were new. You will notice, now, that the list includes books marked (R). This is to signify that they are re-reads, (not adult-only content); books I have read anywhere from 1 to 15 times before. In fact, most of these rereads are my childhood or teen favorites, books I bought in college or books I've had since I was 12. I'm still counting them as part of my 50 book challenge, but I wanted a visual way to see how much I am actually reading for the first time. While I was doing this I noticed that one book is even on the list twice! It's now marked R2. (yeah, yeah, I'm an aspie, get over it)

To summarize, in the last 6 months, I have:
reread 17 books
reread 1 book twice
read 16 new books
started 3 books I intend to finish
started 3 books I do not intend to finish

...making a grand total of 35 books I am counting toward my 50 book challenge. Although I will not be reading 15 books by Friday, I have no doubt that in the next 6 months I will meet the 50 book challenge. Can you?

1 comment:

KT said...

I think I have read less than 10 books since I got to Italy, but I feel like I've read a lot more than I have in a long time (perhaps it is because I get to choose the subject content rather than my profs picking it for me). I also realized I don't have the attention span for most books - or rather, I can't justify the time I need to finish a full novel, but I can justify a news magazine, online paper, short story, etc.

However, in the next month I will have finished all of Dante's INFERNO in its original language, a book on the island of Minorca (in Italian) and another book on Italian geography...I think I'll be satisfied with getting all that done!