Wednesday, April 30, 2008


I've been a bit lax about posting lately! My truly sincere apologies. I've been busy.

(That's always the excuse, isn't it? "Sorry I didn't do it, I was busy!!" Yeah right! )

But I actually have been. My schedule for the last week looked like this:

Wednesday evening: Improv, buy and make swaps
Thursday afternoon: run girl scout meeting, drive 4 hours to Nipomo
Friday: run errands for old troop's first big camping competition event, pick girls up at school, go on camping trip
Saturday: camping trip. lose voice.
Sunday: pack up from camping trip, drive 5 hours to get home.
Monday: rest... at work.
Tuesday: drive with HR to recruiting event at Poly, 3.5 hours
Wednesday: Recruiting event. lose voice again, since it was starting to come back. drive back home, 3.5 hours. make it to improv

And the rest of the week is like this:

Thursday: run girl scout meeting, introduce new girl, do camping trip shopping
Friday: shop for mom's party
Saturday: run mom's party. haul ass to girl scout camping trip, get there late.
Sunday: pack up camping gear, return home to air it out.

That's right folks. Two camping trips, one business trip and a b-day party to throw in one 9 day long week. What, your week doesn't have 9 days? Well, that explains why my kitchen smells funny and there are mounds of camping laundry to be taken care of.

Someone wanna clean my house? I'm too busy.

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