Friday, November 9, 2007

I'm having trouble caring...

I'm having one of those days where every little thing seems to annoy me. It's the end of a very loooooong week. Even though I had Monday off, I'm extremely tired and cross. It's probably because of the time change, or possibly getting up at 6am to be at work for 10 hour days. The weird thing is that the project we are working on seems to be going reasonably smoothly. We're behind, but we're always behind on these things, so I'm having trouble caring.

I'm also having trouble caring because I'm feeling down. Yesterday, I got in a fight with my best ffxi friend. We both said some mean things, and I get impression that our friendship is over, especially since I've been blocked on gchat. I've also got money troubles again. For the first time in my life, I bounced a rent check. The sad thing is that I didn't notice for 8 days, what with the trip and then not looking at my account when I got back. You'd think that since I haven't spent any money for 2 weeks, I couldn't bounce anything. Well, it turns out that someone held one of my checks for 3 weeks before depositing it. It wasn't a large check, but it was enough to take me under for the rent. I really should start keeping a check register, as I have no idea who the check was written out to, so I can't go ask them not to do that to me again.

Tonight Justin is going to dogsit for his dad. I haven't decided if I am going yet, what with everything I have to do tomorrow. First I'm going to visit my mother and sister, then there is a family party for my cousin's son. Luckily, my sister and I did the shopping and wrapping for that 2 weeks ago. One less thing to do in the morning! Which reminds me. I really ought to look up what time I'm supposed to be there, but for some reason, I'm having trouble caring.

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