Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Nothing to see here, move along

I have SUCH a boring life. I do nothing but work, read and play video games, apparently. Yesterday I did all three.

At the moment I'm working on getting an addendum out, which means coordinating the efforts of the consultants and getting my changes drafted up. It's taking 100% of my time, though for some reason, my department head thinks I could do it in "the two hours from 5pm to 7pm, after you've worked your regular 8 hours." I don't know what he thinks I will work on in those 8 hours, since my direct supervisor seems not to understand my job. At least he's got my job title right now. That's right, he's no longer offering me a promotion to my own job. At least the addendum is something I already know how to do, and can take the reigns on without requesting any help from my boss. However, it's taken me 17 hours so far this week to get it to the point where it can be issued today. It needs to be ready by 8:30. I still have to work in the structural changes, so I'm going in to work at 7 this morning. I guess they are even further behind than I am.

After work, I gave a coworker a ride home, then played FFXI. Dragon and I farmed mistletoe for 3 hours. We made about 170k gil, and split it evenly. That more the doubles the amount of gil I had, although I think I'm probably still short for leveling sch and getting more gobbiebags. I wonder if I can squeeze in more farming in addition to baking a pumpkin pie tonight.

Our family has a potluck tradition at all major gatherings. For Thanksgiving, my personal contribution since graduation has been a can of cranberry sauce and turning my mother's can of Libby's into a pie. This year, I bought my own can of Libby's and plan to make my own crust, too. The last crust turned out pretty good, even if the filling wasn't.

WIR: First Test ... and I am thinking about rereading Terrier after, instead of Golden Compass. I'm bad, I know. I bet I'm probably avoiding that book for a reason. If only I could remember what it is.

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