Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Tuesday? It's Tuesday already?!

I'm terrible, I know! No posts since Friday. I'm already slacking on the blog, and I've only made 17 posts! In my defence, I was busy playing Ratchet and Clank whenever I was home this weekend.

Saturday I had planned to explore the new areas of WotG, but instead we ended up going to a car show at the Moscone Center with my in-laws. The most interesting display was the one about alternative fuels, which we looked at for about 10 minutes. That place was HUGE! We were all tired afterward. After our trip to San Francisco, we had dinner with them. We ate at Buffalo Bills. Definitely not my favorite. I happened to have Mastermind in the car still, so I taught my 6yo brother in law to play. He got the hang of the rules after the first game, but didn't really start to get the hang of the strategy until the 4th or 5th game. My father-in-law bought the game after we left, apparently. I bet that kid will know the strategies thoroughly before I see him again.

After dinner, Justin decided we'd stay there overnight - without asking my opinion. It's not that I dislike staying at their house, but I don't like having such things sprung on me at the last minute. I don't like sleeping in my clothes. I don't like being on my period in someone else's house. I don't like having dog nose in my clean hair. I don't like staying up late. I don't like movies... in other words, I was in a VERY bad mood by Sunday morning. I think I fought with all of my friends that day, including Justin. Sunday was just a bad day. If you were one of the people I yelled at, my apologies.

I did manage to beat Ratchet and Clank at about 1 on Sunday. The ending left a lot to be desired. One character is abducted by robots to learn his "purpose in life" and the others are left stranded on a planet with no idea where they are. Also, one of the characters who was told that he would learn his "purpose in life" (wtf are they talking about, "pupose in life?" It's a video game!) ends up killing the alien who claimed to be able to explain it to him. The whole ending screamed "We blocked ourselves with our storyline! Watch for the sequel because we can't end the story!" I was extremely disappointed. I doubt that helped my mood along, either.

Later, Dragon and I started in on the WotG expansion stuff. We got about 3/4 of the way to Sandy in the past and I died twice in a row in Jugner (S)! A pixie raised me, which was kinda cute. Dragon somehow ended up on the wrong side of the river in Jugner (S), which sucked as much as dying twice. We also went to Limbus, though I almost didn't make it in. My computer is "all broked together" and was trying to d/c me before I could get in.

Monday was a busy day at work. I got lots of phone calls and emails about a project that is bidding on Thursday. We also had a new project to start. Got it all done, though.

After work I managed to run some errands. Then Dragon and Elhaym and I went and did some exploring of the new areas. I registered 5 of the cavernous maws, completed the first three WotG missions, and allied myself with Sandy for Campaign. For some reason, Justin is not interested in coming with us to explore or do missions. I think he's too busy soloing his dnc, which is now level 17.

WIR: Still Page, which got left at home when we went out for the day on Saturday. I really need to start reading my study materials for the CSE soon. I'm thinking that maybe I should study on Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturdays. That seems like a schedule I can keep up while still doing Limbus, even when acting classes start back up again in January. I plan to start that schedule December 1.

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